Submission Methods & Requirements
1. Papers for publication must be submitted in full paper electronically via the following email. All editions and updates must be done before the submission deadline.
2. The authors are suggested to use the Formatting Template to meet format requirements.
Your paper must comply with the following specifications:
Paper Length: Each paper should be within 4-8 pages. Each registration covers 4 pages. For extra pages, fee will be charged.
Official language is English in paper writing and presenting.
3. Submissions to FBSEH 2023 should report on significant, original, and previously unpublished results on any aspect of design of complex systems or artifacts. All submissions will be subjected to double-blind peer reviews, who are expert or have experiences in the related field for years. The accepted papers must be revised, taking into consideration the referees' comments and suggestions, before inclusion in the conference proceedings.
4. At least one of the authors listed on the accepted paper must pay the registration fee and make a presentation on site. Only the presented papers can be included in the proceedings.